To acquire Lifewave products you must enter and buy directly on the company's website as my client, they take care of making it reach practically any part of the world where you are. I will accompany you in your purchase process to solve doubts or if you need help in terms of application methods, results, etc. Remember that you have a money-back guarantee with the company if you are not satisfied.
Let us begin!

The first thing is to enter the corporate website as my client.

To do this, write in your browser:

You will see that at the top it says: AZUCENA SANCHEZ THERAPIST & COACH or Azucena Sánchez Holistic Coach

!! Congratulations!! You are already in my URL.

Now select the country you are in and the language you want to continue with.

In this case we will choose "SPAIN".

If you already know what product you want, enter the PRODUCTS section and the subsection corresponding to the product you want and add it to the cart.

If you still do not know, you can take a tour of the different products or contact me so that together we can determine which one may be better in your specific case.

    If it is the first time you buy, once you have all the desired products in the cart you must access it by clicking on the icon. You can click on "View cart" or "Complete purchase". In view cart you are shown all the selected items and you have the option to modify quantities or delete items.

When you click on Finish purchase, a window will appear where you must create an account if you have never bought or log in if you already have an account.

If you have already bought on other occasions, CONGRATULATIONS! You know how it goes. Enter your username and password and continue with your purchase.

It is important that my name AZUCENA SANCHECH THERAPIST & COACH appears above as an independent distributor, so you can make sure you are buying from me ...

Once the account is created and with the session started, we can return to Finalize purchase and it will ask us for the delivery address of the products. We can put more than one delivery address.

You already have it? We continue!

The next step is payment. We must enter the data of the credit card with which we are going to pay. We can save this information for future purchases. After entering the data and clicking on this card in Pagarco, we will go to the payment gateway and the operation will be completed.

The shipping method is automatically selected depending on the delivery address.

Now we just have to wait, any questions you have, do not hesitate to contact me.

Congratulations and enjoy!